Specified Illness Cover
This insurance ensures you are financially equipped to face into a serious illness diagnosis.
Specified Illness Cover
Being diagnosed with a serious illness is not exclusive to the elderly. Serious illness’s do not discriminate age or gender and effects people all over the country every day.
Specified illness cover pays you a lump sum payment on diagnosis of a specified illness.
If you find yourself sitting unexpectedly opposite a Consultant about to receive news of a serious diagnosis. You’re going to need a fund of money to help you navigate through your illness and recovery.
Everyone’s illness and recovery will present differently and how they use their rehabilitation fund will differ.
Throughout your recovery, you are unlikely to be able to work, your fund can supplement your lost income.
You will likely incur new illness related expenses. Being sick can come at an expense.
It is common that you may need to make alterations to your home or how you travel.
The money can be used to plan life’s nice to haves and some needed R&R as you have navigated through what will be one of the toughest times you will face. Your experience of a serious illness could be drastically different if you do not have the financial comfort of this insurance policy.
Finally, life post your illness may be different, having a fund of money will allow you navigate back into life post recovery in a way that suits your new needs.

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